

We employ a proprietary blend of spaghetti models, cloud sourcing, field research and data mandalas to see the invisible patterns above us. Then we feed the telemetry to economic, media, social and somatic filters until the complete picture emerges. Then we stand outside and stare directly at the sun until we’re ready to tell you where it’s at. Here are some of the raw feeds that we appreciate for their rigor, even as they neglect the full picture of weather in the broader, less-traditionally accepted way we define it.

Weather Underground

The Weather Channel


Aviation Digital Data Service


NOAA NWS Winter Weather Impact Modelling

The Vane

National Hurricane Center



Noam Chomsky

Howard Zinn

John Pilger

Z Communications


The Weather Underground

NOTE: acculorber should not be confused with accuweather. I mean, they try, but srsly, it isn’t the same. Also no connection to accutane, the acne drug, which we understand makes you sweat pure, drinakble water. Nor to the ACLU, although there is certainly some overlap. Zero connection to accu-measure, the body-fat caliper people. Nor to accupizza in philly. Even further from accugrind, accunurse, accupuncture, accuquilt, accuyoga.